Hello Blue Bloods, Happy New Year! I hope
you caught up on loads of fun. Fortunately (I would say), it’s back to work, or
school and back to making sure those New Year resolutions work.
Like I stated in my last post, I have
luggage of lessons learnt in the past year and looking back, I would say "I am
not the same person" I was 365 days ago, I am not “there” yet but I have taken a
number of steps. Like all New Year resolutions we make, we end up not keeping a
large percentage of them or maybe the whole thing. Then, we begin to lose
ourselves to depression and that sense of failure that comes lurking. Well,
next time it comes, just say “Been there, done that”, and move on. After all,
what did those feelings do for you? If not make you feel bad and hopeless. The
trick is, it doesn’t have to be termed a New Year Resolution. On the evening of
the 31st, my mum asked me, “What’s the difference between today and
tomorrow?” I answered wittily, “Well, today is 2013 and tomorrow is 2014.”
Later, when I thought about it, I realised there actually isn’t much
difference. It’s the same amount of hours and seconds that will go by, it was
also a Tuesday and the next day (The New Year) would be another Wednesday.
Now, I am not underestimating the need to
set goals for ourselves in this new season but there are a number of things I
want to draw out from the above narrative. First, we do not have to wait till a
New Year to do and “undo” something. Second, let’s say we have a resolution in
place already, if we didn’t keep it, we don’t have to wait till 1st
January, 2015 to get back on track. Third, we don’t have to feel bad because we
didn’t keep it, whether we made this resolution on the 1st of
January or the 20th of June, there is a common denominator and that
is determination.
With that being said, we shouldn’t spend
our lives in regret of what we didn’t achieve yesterday, there’s always today,
to do and “undo”. Every day, we are given the gift of another chance, to start
afresh, on a clean slate but the challenge is most of us stay in the past,
clutching on to it, ever so tightly. What we all need is determined determination
and a forward perspective.
Loads of love and I pray we achieve all and
more than we set to achieve. Enjoy the moment…Xoxo.
Many thanks to Mebrock for hooking me up with this new POSH wallpaper.
Photo Credit: http://1b9m613yi0qa0r935crzosac.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/no-resolve.jpg
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