Monday, 5 August 2013


I’ve walked on this planet but for a short time, yet, if there’s anything I've learnt so far, it’s that the choices you make affect your tomorrow. (I know what you think, tale as old as time, but with recent events in my life, I have seen that the decisions that you make…you don’t even have to think of the long run, for example, it affecting your children. The immediate effect can be as terrible as the sting of a bee, even worse). So, it’s high time you made the right decisions. I’m going to try to make this as fun as possible so that you don’t yawn more than you already have and I have a certain group of people in mind---- Final Year Students.

          I recently graduated from a prestigious university and I’m glad to say that I saw, fought and conquered (abi! How do they say it?). It’s no normal university where they aint faking it here. I learnt so many lessons about life in the short five years I spent (although I was not saying that when I was in my first year) but the most profound of them all were learnt in my final year. I would highlight as much as I can remember;

1.      You need intrinsic motivation- OK, I've been taught that there are two ways people get gingered- from external sources (extrinsic) and from within themselves (intrinsic). Prior to my final year, I was a people-pleaser, I loved my friends to death (not like I don’t still do…to an extent…lol), I was loyal, let’s just leave it at that, still am tho. When I got to final year, (I so love my father for the life lessons he taught me on rides to different places and my mother in her subtle way of extending devotion for 2 extra hours in the name of bonding…lol. It paid off), not like I didn't know already but the real meaning of O.Y.O (on your own), was spelt out. That’s when it wasn’t about whether your friends where ready to go to class, once you were ready, you left. If you were nice enough to say “see you in class”, then you are a terrific friend. I am someone who takes my time, and I mean t-i-m-e, to even bathe, so I got left behind a couple of times and at first I felt bad but then I sucked it up and told myself, “that is life and everyone has his to live”...and puhleeze! I can’t reduce my minutes of bathing, the skin don’t stay fresh by willing it to, *flips hair*. Back to the subject, there were times I even told myself that “It doesn’t matter if I pant to the finish line or look like a broom when I get there, as far as I got there, aint nobody got time for that.”  Blue bloods, sometimes, you won’t even have time for makeup, so if you are an addicted “makeup-er”, you could tone it down and establish harmony between your au naturel look and your diva look (watch out for tips later). Do all you can to encourage yourself and make sure you get to that finish line, it may look long but at the end, the sacrifice, the nights of not "crashing" on time and waking up like Godzilla will all be worth it, cos trust me, you won’t remember them, all you would say is “I’m glad it’s over”. Work as hard as you can, hmmm; I’m stressing it now oh. My friend used to say “hey, I heard you were the agile one” (lol!) but my dear, if agility works 4 u, better grab it by the horns, in fact, you should try to be remotely agile. Need I stress the DON’T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF mantra, in case, you aren't so buoyant in the academic field, make sure if it’s something you can work on, you get it done on time. Don’t fool yourself and join the band wagon, cos it’s just you with that matriculation number. Please don’t belong to that class that says “if it aint broke, it don’t need no fixing.” Try your very best to make sure that you get your issues straightened out and on time, not at the dying moment.

2.   Take lectures seriously- Please be on time for lectures and make sure that you get front seat, it is gold. Cos the first day of a particular course is essential, so much that, if you don’t understand the first lecture, the entire course won’t make sense to you. If you are not a fan of writing, now is the time to invest in it, write and jot as much as you can. Let’s not forget the courses that have weigh a ton, you should know by now they are boosters, try your best to understand, even if you don’t, get a friend or course mate that will teach you (now is the time to famz, pride don’t cut it here). If you are silly enough to form for anybody at this level, it won’t be funny when you have to re-take the course(s). At this point in time, you will have most of the lectures with your course mates, please, you have been with these people, for what, 4-5 years approx., how stupid can your question be? Even if, no knowledge is wasted. So ask that lecturer a question.
Reminder: Your assignments and class tests really count, so study hard for them and maximise the opportunities to do so. Try not to do them last minute as well, it can be very stressful doing that especially when you have an 8 am lecture which you may have every day of the week.

3.   Projects- At this point in time, you must have heard of the different kinds of supervisors available in your department or faculty. There are the “good” ones and the "not-so-good" ones as well. I’d like to stress at this point, that no matter how good your supervisor may be they hate people who have the "lazy odour" thing going on. Like I said earlier, this is no time to slack in whatsoever manner. Get to know your supervisor on time, famz appropriately, always go to his/her office and register your identity, lest thou be denied on the day of defence. My supervisor is one supervisor you can be blessed to have but show your face, it is very necessary, right from when they have pasted the list of supervisors and supervise-es, you would do yourself good to start the famz-ing on time. Take your project seriously and from time to time, go and meet your supervisor and show him/her how far you have gone and ask for suggestions in areas you need help. Even if he/she is like stone, at some point, the “persistent widow” style works (after all, we all use it to get stuff from les parents or friends).
This excerpt is for those who will fall under my supervisor-
A. Start famz-ing on time.
B. Start working on your project on time.
C. Give him progress reports.
D. Even if he gives you an email address, please print out your abstract to conclusion at every step and give him to read to make the necessary corrections, unless you have all the time in the world for clearance.

4.    Use the library- That’s for people who don’t see the quietness of the library like some kinda yoga moment. I kinda noticed that, the total number of times I went to the library to read in my final year was more than the total number of times I went from my 1st to 4th year. This is because at this point, I realised the hall was just for sleeping. Don’t be surprised that you may fall asleep, so try to go with a friend or tell that person next to you to wake you up, just don’t drool beside the person. If you are not a fan of the library, in your departments, there would be free classes especially on Fridays because as final year students, you shouldn't have a clogged up timetable, you may have one day that’s fully booked but not all days will be like that. So maximise every free time you get. Don’t waste it in the hall; time is short, like really brief. Even if you read for just 2 hours, which may not be enough, you have done something good, it will help in the day of “trouble”.

5.   Write out a daily plan- this may be hard to do but it helps you evaluate your day at the end and helps you prioritize and manage your time. You could write it as bullet points with the time you want to start or the time that task should have been accomplished.

6.   Stick to the ethos of your institution- I sound all lawyer-ish…ha-ha!! But really, stick to the school rules as much as you can. Try your best not to flout any, 'cos for some reason, final year students are like tasty feed to some wolves. So, please don’t fall victim. It doesn’t make sense for you to come this far, especially if its engineering or medicine (not undermining four year courses) to end up getting kicked out. Sometimes you don’t bite as much as you can chew 'cos there’s just a tendency that your brain fools you into overestimating what your mouth can take.

7.    Be mindful of the company you keep- I sound old but this is true on many levels. Don’t deceive yourself by surrounding yourself with as many cushion pads as possible, in the name of friends, you are on your own. What is good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander. As I have found for myself, what may work for everybody doesn't work for me, and I’m glad I am Miss Unique. I've gotten into more trouble in times where I haven't followed my heart or gone with my guts but listened to what some people had to say. If your friends will pull you back from the finish line as at when due or get you sent out of the race, then, tactfully remove yourself from the crew, after all said and done, you came to Earth and probably that school on your own and may not see donkey years after, that’s if, you’d see them ever again in life. There’s no clique on the graduating list, just so you know. And as I've been told by a wise man, “20 children don’t play for 20 years”.

8.   Your mess is yours to fix- Never ever leave yourself at the mercy of anybody. As much as it depends on you, make sure that you try your best for yourself as it concerns only you at the end.

9.    Pray hard and Rest adequately- I would have said be spiritual but the pastors would tell you more on that. My final piece of advice is that you pray hard. You are at the tail end; so many things go wrong at this time. It’s at this time, some people face the first disciplinary panel or get sick or worse, die. This is not to scare you. Real is your adversary; more real is your God. Talk to Him, pray hard. Tell your parents and loved ones, not to shout your fame and tell the whole world you are in final year. The more ignorant your enemy is of your achievements, the safer you are.

Rest is something that we all need. You may not get enough time to rest and even if you do, it won’t be for the amount of time you are used to. When you get it, maximise it, cos you’ll need the energy from it, later during the day. Even those power naps (about 30 minutes- 1hour) go a long way.

Blue bloods, as you approach the finish line, I beg you, don’t let anything distract you or keep you from reaching it. At this time, it will seem like forces of sleep, time, relationships etc. are against you but just develop a tortoise’s back and let it roll over. Yeah, you may reach your breaking point, that’s the time to stretch your elastic limit even more. Maximise every moment you have with your books, your REAL friends, because every moment counts. Be happier. Surround yourself with positive energy and thoughts of peace.

I’m looking forward to reading your own guide to final year students, this time next year. I hope this guide speaks to you and that you make the best use of what you’ve read as I wasn’t privileged to have one.

I would like to state at this point that this article is also suitable for as many that don’t fall under this category but happen to be spoken to by it. Feel free also to chip in your piece of advice.

Loads of love…xoxo

Stay blue-blooded.


  1. So I finally decided to comment. I read this about a week or two ago, it's brilliant! I could connect with a lot of what you wrote. I really like your writing!

  2. Thanks Alaba! I'm glad you could connect
