Saturday, 28 September 2013


Hello blue-bloods, welcome to another POSH aristocratic Saturday. It’s really good to wind down after a stressful week, which I believe most of us have had. Oh my, how the week went by swiftly. Sit back, take off your shoes and pop them on the stool because we are going to relax, yet talk about serious issues.

There’s something that I have noticed over the years in relationships, I do not mean only the romantic ones but in the platonic ones as well, most of the time, misunderstandings happen and when you examine the root cause, it’s mostly because one person feels taken for granted or that the other person is not “trying” enough in the relationship. Recently, I talked to someone who felt that since he didn’t like visiting a lot, his partner was supposed to always come to visit him but since I was a witness during the argument, I firmly told him that visiting had to be reciprocal and with some minutes of talking, I was able to convince him; thank God.

I have thought about why arguments like this tend to happen, or why some of our relationships experience harsh weathers and some or most of the time, it’s because one person thinks the other person is always going to be there, so we slack, don’t do what we should or say what we need to say…even when we know the other person just wants to hear it. It could be a word of appreciation, or saying “I’m sorry”, “I understand you”, “I forgive you”, “You are special to me”, “I’m happy I know you” and the hardest yet most abused one, “I love you”. Why I say that is because, we chant ‘I-love-you’s to friends but some of the time, it’s just a chant, not that we don’t mean it but we don’t act what we say. Do you know the funny part is that these are mostly three-worded statements and when this person’s call is not as regular as it used to be, we get worried and feel left out, then call to say “you forgot all about me” but the thing is we started the forgetting and we are just withdrawing the amount stated on the cheque, except in some other cases.

Let us not make that mistake of underestimating the presence of people in our lives, be it a friend or loved one because even if you are feeling like a hot shot now in the person’s life, there is always a substitute, well, I believe so. You are not the be-all-and-end-all of the person’s life, so why not take your position a little more as a privilege. We pray for long life but none of us is guaranteed tomorrow, we only hope for one and pray for many. So, say a prayer, hug that friend, kiss that sibling, and say something nice, no matter how small. Many nothings count for something. (Adenike Ajayi)

Live, love, breathe and do something extra this POSH Saturday.
Loads of love aristocrats…Have a great week ahead...xoxo.

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